Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To Begin...

I have finally made it into the blogging world! For some time, I've been pondering whether to start a cooking/decorating/photo blog thing so we'll see how this works out. Ever since I saw Julie and Julia, I thought the idea of a cooking blog was neat so that's where that comes from. Also, I have weird and random thoughts that I could share?

I guess I'll share a little bit about me. I currently am pursuing a degree in music education and my main instrument is viola. For those of you who are not familiar with the music world, the viola is very similar to the violin only it's slightly bigger and sounds a perfect 5th lower (and it's cooler but don't tell the violins that). I also love to sing and play piano. By the time I graduate, I'll be teacher certified K-12; which grade I want to teach is a mystery at this point. I taught a few lessons to a high school choir this fall which was fun though!

Also, my life took a wonderful turn 8 months ago when I married my best friend Nathan. We met in high school and started dating the summer after graduation. Two years later he proposed and then 10 months after that we were wed. God has truly blessed me with a great guy and we have a wonderful life together.

So that's a little bit about me. I hope to use this blog to share recipes, decorating tips, funny thoughts and pictures. Hopefully this continues into something fun from here!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, how fun! I'm so excited you started a blog. Looking forward to your randomness. It's my own...squirrel!



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